Thursday, August 30, 2012

There is more to hiking, than just hiking

There is more to hiking, than just hiking

Ever wonder what goes on in the woods when you send your kids to Learning on the Log? As in all of our groups, the designated activity (hiking, swimming, tumbling, karate, etc.) is only the catalyst that brings the group together. What the kids actually learn and experience, is so much more than that. We have numerous games and activities to try, never the same activity twice. We play hide and seek, imaginative games like "pet shop", we utilize all of our different senses with games that require the kids to use only one sense at a time, we work on strength and balancing, we build boats out of materials we find in the woods and we launch them in the water, we challenge the kids to try things they might be uncomfortable with, and we support them through each and every one of these experiences. As there is in any group, fights and arguments break out, and kids have melt downs when things don't go their way. But we see these behaviors, as nothing more than a great opportunity to help the kids work through these complex emotions, and start to feel confident in communicating what is going on. They leave feeling like they have been heard, their opinions and their feelings matter, they can try new things and they will not be judged, they can fail and/or succeed and they will have all the support necessary to make it through. In the end, there is much more to "hiking" with Learning on the Log, than "just hiking". 

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