Thursday, March 10, 2011


Many times we invent, adjust, or modify known sports or team building games.  Last week, there was a failed attempt to play hockey on an astroturf field, so we had to think fast.  In the van there was a bag of tennis racket and the goals were already set up...
So Tennis/Lacrosse was invented.

The Rules:

  1. Two teams
  2. Each person must have a tennis racket
  3. One tennis ball
  4. Each person is able to use both hands to secure the ball,
  5. Once the ball is secured, the person needs to run with the ball balanced on the racket face
  6. The other team could lightly bump the person with the ball
    1. This was reported as the best feature of the game
  7. We had two small goals to score on
    1. No goalie

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