Saturday, July 28, 2012

Poolside fun

July 28, 2012
Poolside Fun

Swimming is one of the favorite activities for Learning on the Log, campers and counselors. One of the reasons the kids are so engaged, is because of the consistent amount of sensory input their bodies are receiving in the water, which "wakes" them up and it is much easier for them to focus on the other people. Another reason, is that water levels the playing field, in a sense. No kid feels like they are not up to par with their friends, there are no insecurities because they don't have to worry about feeling like they aren't the fastest or most athletic. When they are in the water, despite their swim ability level, they are able to play and take risks and feel free to just enjoy the people around them. For those kids that are not confident swimmers yet or they are shy, we give them a lot of 1:1 attention and support so they feel safe, and then very soon they are requesting a life jacket so they can be free to join the games and go deep in the pool and play play play. The next step is to help them transition to no life jacket and just a noodle to keep them afloat while they play, and eventually they are jumping off the wall and swimming around without even noticing any insecurities. It is incredible to watch. As in any of our programs, we won't send your child home with precise swimming skills or knowledge of different strokes, but they will gain much confidence in the pool so they are able to translate those skills to playing in the pool and taking more risks in other areas of their lives. They will have a blast with their friends and they will love strategizing with others for shooting water guns and they will splash and just enjoy the day. Never a sad face at the pool (except maybe for the 10 minutes of adult swim)!!!

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